A look into my world ..

Tooele, UT, United States
I am 31 year old mom to TJ (9) Thomas (6) and Gracie (34). And I'm happily married to my wonderful, loving husband Daniel. I love photography!

In memory of my dad ..

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just Shoot Me!

  She explains it  Shoot Me! It's time to stop hiding behind that camera of yours. Your family is missing you in the picture. So it's time to post a picture of YOU (yes, you) every Thursday with your child, your spouse, your friend, your dog, or even by yourself. Just get in the picture, you'll be glad you did!


  1. Niiiice. I need to take that advice myself. :) Nice picture! :)

  2. No, I like hiding! lol great picture Dasha. Stop by my blog and pick up your award!
